Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 119

Eucalyptus, friend
forty-seven years ago
we were both quite small


  1. i love this haiku.
    love love love
    oh firefly, how you light the way!

  2. Yes, but now what beauty these forty seven years holds!

    Sue x

  3. Thank you all, (if everyday's my birthday, sure why not...) but on this day I took a stroll through the park where I first learned that the way I drew was 'unusual' for my age. First class, art teacher grabbed the drawing away and yelled, "Where did you learn to draw like this?" Scared me silly but (extremely shy) I told him that I drew what I saw instead of what I was supposed to see. The drawing of course was of my friend, Eucalyptus the tree, whose become quite a majestic presence. :)
